Fiona Brice
Fiona Brice has spent her working life bringing together creative practitioners and young people to raise their aspirations and broaden their creative thinking. She started out working in education programmes for orchestras in Newcastle and London and then moved to Creative Partnerships, which for many years was the Government’s flagship Creative Learning programme. This was a great opportunity to explore how a creative mindset could inform teaching approaches in schools and give a voice to young people both influencing the work of a range of practitioners and their own learning experience.
A move to Singapore in 2010 gave Fiona the wonderful opportunity to experience a range of different cultures at the same time bringing up a young family. She also joined a social enterprise who were delivering the global Design for Change programme to children in Singaporean schools. Fiona took the Design Thinking element of this programme and developed holiday programmes in innovation for preteen and young teenagers, usually culminating in an unusual collection of prototypes made out of recyclables.